Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ways To Whiten Your teeth??

Without costing a lot and without Crest Whitestrips ( they are too big for my teeth and fall off ) :)

Please Help :)
Ways To Whiten Your teeth??
You can buy %26quot;pearl drops%26quot; from most places. It%26#039;s just like toothpaste, yo can use it by itself or use it after you%26#039;ve brushed with normal paste. Trust me, you%26#039;ll notice a diiference in no time ;) People always compliment me on how white my teeth are :)


EDIT: There%26#039;s this stuff called %26quot;beverly hills%26quot; whitening paste or something? Whatever you do don%26#039;t buy it. It%26#039;s a waste of money and tastes completely of salt.

To the peson at the bottom you can buy pearl drops from most shops i.e. supermarkets. I don%26#039;t know about america but here you can get them from wilkos, boots, superdrug, tescos etc.
Ways To Whiten Your teeth??
Pearl Drops or Blanx toothpaste. Both surprisingly effective, in my own experience. i drink my coffee and tea black, so i know about needing whitening toothpaste!
Reply:buy tooth paste with whitening stuff in it or try baking soda!

I guess that is suppose to work! they also have tooth paste with baking soda in it too!
Reply:Listerine Whitening stuff. I don%26#039;t know what it%26#039;s called but, its not strips its liquid and you use it like mouthwash. You can tell a difference after the 3rd time you use it...I did
Reply:emily or cardinal -- where to get pearl drops?
Reply:honestly, no coffee or soda..they ruin your teeth so only drink them occasinally..i get the good toothpastes like creat with breath freshening stips in them..u could ask ure dentist cuz she/he would know whats best for u and ure mouth...also, try listerine whitening..i think it works great!
Reply:Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at

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